John Wiley & Sons - Official Red Hat
Linux Administrator’s Guide.

Official Red Hat Linux Administrator's Guide
by Sandra A. Moore, Tammy Fox, Johnray
Fuller, John Ha, Edward C. Bailey, Joe Merlino, Kate
0-7645-1695-7, 544 Pages,
November 2003
Red Hat sealed and approved! Compiled by
Red Hat’s own documentation team and
reviewed by a Red Hat qualified
technical expert, this compre-hensive, authoritative guide
delivers all the know-how you need to manage
Linux networks and systems, troubleshoot
problems, and provide opti-mum client service.
You’ll find in-depth coverage of creating
network scripts, configuring Apache and
Samba, Kickstart
installations, and managing major protocols such as
DHCP, and BIND Learn
what you need to know about Red Hat Linux 8
exclusives like GRUB and
ext3 and get extensive information on topics
most Linux guides doesn’t even address,
like Tripwire,
PAM, Samba, and
RAID This guidebook is your single
official source for documentation, instruction, and answers
about Red Hat Linux 8
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