John Wiley & Sons - Smart Card
Handbook. Third Edition.

Card Handbook Third
Editionby Wolfgang Rankl,
Wolfgang Effing ISBN:
0-470-85668-8, 1120 Pages,
Building on previous editions, this
Third Edition of the Smart
Card Handbook offers a completely updated overview of
the state of the art in smart card technology. Everything you
need to know about smart cards & their applications is
Fully revised,
this handbook describes the advantages and disadvantages of
smart cards when compared with other systems, such as optical
cards and magnetic stripe cards and explains the basic
technologies to the reader.
This book also considers the actual status of
appropriate European and international
Smart Card Handbook is firmly established as
the definitive reference to every aspect of smart card
technology and has proved to be an invaluable resource for
security systems development engineers. Professi-onals and
microchip designers working in the smart card industry will
continue to benefit from this essential guide. The book is
also ideal for newcomers to the field.
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