McGraw-Hill - Citrix MetaFrame For Windows
Server 2003: The Official Guide.

Citrix MetaFrame For Windows Server 2003: The
Official Guide by Steve Kaplan,
Tim Reeser, Alan Wood, Franny Kelly
ISBN: 0-07-219566-5, 724
Pages, October 2003
This book is a continuation of the first
edition written three years ago by Steve
Kaplan and Marc Mangus
Server-based computing technology has evolved significantly
over the last three years, with the release of
Windows Server 2003, Citrix
MetaFrame XP Presentation Server,
MetaFrame Secure Access Manager,
Conferencing Manager, and
Password Manager (which together comprise the
Citrix MetaFrame Access Suite), along
with myriad third-party applications and solution provi-ders
that have brought this technology into the mainstream and have
resolved and automated a host of issues and complications.
Server-based computing on an enterprise level has expanded and
evolved into what Citrix calls the
on-demand enterprise. Citrix is the
market leader in access infrastructure that enables people to
access enterprise applications and information on demand.
This second edition
incorporates these changes. We take an in-depth look at
Microsoft Server 2003 and the changes this
product brings to server-based computing, the changes
Citrix has brought with the
Citrix MetaFrame Access Suite, and the shift
that is underway towards webification and web aggregation
(such as with Citrix MetaFrame Secure Access
Manager) We have also updated all of the information
on client deployment, security, third-party add-on
applications, and overall manage-ment of a server - based
computing environment to include all of the latest
advancements and industry best-practice trends.
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