Artech House - Centrex
or PBX The Impact of IP.
CENTREX or PBX: The Impact of Internet
Protocol by John R. Abrahams,
Mauro Lollo ISBN:
1-58053-497-X, 182 Pages,
Centrex or PBX: The Impact of IP is essential
reading for those who are responsible for mana-ging,
designing, or upgrading data networks to carry
IP telephony. This practical reference
enables professionals to more accurately estimate the time and
resources needed to implement IP
telephony in their organizations.
The book
describes the IP-Centrex option of
having the telephone company take responsibility for service
delivery and offers the kind of informa-tion service providers
need to improve marketing and sales campaigns for
IP-Centrex services. This unique resource
helps professionals present their company’s telecom
capabilities, and offers a better understanding of the pluses
and minuses of competitive sales presentations.
It includes summary descriptions of
14 IP telephony
systems on the world market, while clearly identifying the
advantages and disadvantages of
IP-Centrex There are detailed and financial
analyses of three realistic case studies, and clear
descriptions of how Centrex is used in
various organiza-tions.
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