John Wiley & Sons - WILEY IAS 2003:
Interpretation and Application of IAS.

IAS 2003: Interpretation and Application of International
Accounting Standards by Barry J.
Epstein, Abbas Ali Mirza ISBN:
0-471-22736-6, 1040 Page,
December 2002
Wiley IAS
2003 is the compact, yet truly comprehensive
quick-reference guide that accoun-tants can depend on to
assist in the preparation and understanding of financial
statements presen-ted in accordance with
This new edition includes
complete coverage of all the standards issues or revised by
the International Accounting Standards
Committee under the IOSCO’s
“core set of standards program, as
well as other extant requirements. In addition, the book
offers in-depth coverage of the latest changes proposed by the
newly constituted International Accounting
Standards Board’s “improvements
project, some of which will likely become effective by
the end of 2003
More than ever before,
every accountant or corporate financial official involved
in—or contemplating—registration in foreign securities markets
now needs the guidance offered in this book. Written by a team
of practicing CPA's with in-depth
international experience in applying
IAS, this guide includes meaningful
real-world examples and interpretive insights into the
requirements of all current, and proposed,
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