Prentice Hall PTR - LDAP in the Solaris
Operating Environment.

LDAP in the Solaris Operating Environment: Deploying
Secure Directory Services by
Michael Haines, Tom Bialaski ISBN:
0-13-145693-8, 704 Pages,
September 2003
LDAP in the Solaris Operating
Environment is a follow-on to the Sun
BluePrints book "Solaris and LDAP
Naming Services", and describes the significant
improvements to the Solaris LDAP client
and directory server. Deploying the
Solaris Secured LDAP
Client is covered in detail.
Sun BluePrints book introduces
NIS/NIS+ migration
tools and techniques to aid in the transi-tion to an
LDAP-based naming service.Troubleshooting
tips, examples of extending Solaris
authentication methods, and examples of extending
Solaris authentication methods using the
Pluggable Authentication Module (
PAM) framework arev provided.
Deploying Secure Directory Services: -
Provides an in-depth discussion of Solaris
Operating Environment security methods and how they
relate to LDAP as a naming service. -
Covers migration planning tips from
NIS/NIS+ to an
LDAP-based naming service including capacity
planning. - Presents an overview of
LDAP tools and toolkits, and how they are
used to administer LDAP as a naming
service. - Discusses performance principles and bench-marking
techniques for optimizing directory server performance.
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