Sams - Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Insider Solutions.

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Insider
Solutionsby Rand Morimoto, Andrew
Abbate, Eric Kovach, Ed Roberts
ISBN: 0-672-32609-4, 512
Pages, November 2003
This book provides field-proven information,
inclu-ding tips and best practices, about administering the
Microsoft Windows
Server 2003 environment that professionals must know
and can not get elsewhere. Rather than being a traditional
plan-ning, design, and implementation guide, this book will be
organized by technology solutions with a focus on the best
ways of implementing these solutions.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Insider
Solu-tions picks up where other books leave off by
highlighting tips, tricks, shortcuts, and best practices for
Microsoft Windows
Server 2003 This book assumes the reader has a good
working knowledge of Windows 2003 or
2000 and now wants to know the inside
tricks to Windows 2003
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Insider Solutions covers 802.11x
wireless security, smartcard implementation, group policy
management, remote administration, and advanced
Active Directory design. Also included are
tips and best practices for migrating from Win
NT4 and Windows 2000
This book highlights key methods of
integrating Windows 2003 with
NetWare and UNIX, thin
client Terminal Services, performance
tuning and optimization, server scalability and server
consolidation, user file manage-ment, and much more!
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