John Wiley & Sons - Official Red Hat
Linux User's Guide.

Official Red Hat Linux User's Guide
by Sandra A. Moore, Tammy Fox, Johnray
Fuller, John Ha, Edward C. Bailey, Joe Merlino, Kate
Wrightson ISBN:
0-7645-4967-7, 456 Pages,
October 2003
Red Hat sealed and approved! Compiled by
Red Hat’s own documentation team and
reviewed by a Red Hat qualified
technical expert, this compre-hensive, authoritative guide
delivers all the know-how you need to install, use, and
customize the latest version of Red Hat
From identifying
system requirements to configu-ring a network, this handbook
provides the most specific user-focused information available.
Detailed advice guides you through every option listed in the
installation program. You’ll find an entire chapter devoted to
the new office
productivity applications as well as a chapter covering the
improved graphical interface, which includes the new
GNOME 2.0 Whether you’re a
Red Hat Linux newcomer or a user upgrading
from an older version, you’ll benefit from the technical
advice and FAQ's, too. This
guidebook is your single official source for documentation,
instruction, and answers about Red Hat Linux
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