John Wiley & Sons - Auditing
Information Systems, Second Edition.

Auditing Information Systems,
Second Editionby Jack
J. Champlain ISBN:
0-471-28117-4, 430 Pages,
Information Systems, Second
Edition, explains clearly how to audit the controls and
security over all types of information systems environments.
The concepts and techniques in the book enable auditors,
information security profes-sionals, managers, and audit
committee members of every knowledge and skill level to truly
understand whether or not their computing systems are safe.
book provides a detailed examination of contemporary auditing
issues such as: - Informa-tion systems audit approach
(physical, logical, environmental security) . - Security
certifications such as SAS 70,
TruSecure, SysTrust
and WebTrust - Computer forensics. -
E-Commerce and Internet security (including encryption and
cryptography). - Information privacy laws and regulations. -
Information systems project management controls. - New
technologies and future risks. Auditing
Information Systems, Second
Edition gives auditing professionals the tools they
need to get their job done right.
This book be a source of
reference to auditing students, new auditors, and those
aspiring to become information systems (
IS) auditing specialists. Even for
experienced IS auditors, this book
should provide a unique perspective, and at least some of the
scenarios should prove to be interesting, informative, and
somewhat entertaining.
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