Premier Press - PHP Essentials, Second

PHP Essentials, Second
Edition by Julie C.
Meloni ISBN: 1-931841-34-9,
352 Pages,
Write dynamically
generated pages with ease using PHP!
Dive into the new edition of this popular guide to
PHP With a true focus on the essentials,
this book gives you the solid foundation in
PHP programming you’re looking for. And you
don’t have to be a computer scientist or programmer to learn
from it! The simple, learn-by-example
format of "PHP Essentials" will allow
you to quickly use the power of PHP to
develop successful, dynamic Web sites.
If you compare this book to most of the other
books on PHP, you'll quickly notice
that this book is much smaller than those thousand-page
behemoths. The relative smallness of this book is
intentional-I've found it's easier to learn from a book you
can actually hold!
That being said,
plenty of topics that are covered in those lengthier books are
not covered in this book. This book offers, as its title, says
the essential information. In other words, information that
will provide a solid foundation for the additional topics you
will find in longer, more advanced books.
A main characteristic of this book, besides
teaching the fundamentals, is that you don't have to be a
computer scientist or programmer to learn from it. If you are
a computer scientist or programmer already, younot like
the rather prosaic nature of the explanations and instructions
in this book. Ultimately, I wanted to write a book that
someone could take off the shelf, skim through, and say, "Hey,
this PHP thing looks like a neat
language, and ever-so-easy to learn!" Because it is!
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