Prentice Hall PTR - DB2 Version 8: The
Official Guide.

DB2 Version 8: The Official Guide
by Paul C. Zikopolous, George Baklarz, Dirk deRoos,
Roman B. Melnyk, Paul C. Zikopoulos
ISBN: 0-13-140158-0, 352
Pages, September 2003
IBM DB2 Universal Database v8.1.2 - will help
you access any information, from any application, from
anywhere in your organization, anytime—and do it all more
easily and cost-effectively than you ever thought possible.
Now, in
DB2 Version 8: The Official Guide, a team of
IBM DB2 experts shows experienced
DB2 professionals exactly how to make the
most of DB2 Version
8 in any environment—Linux,
UNIX, or
authors draw on extensive personal experi-ence helping
customers implement state-of-the-art
DB2 solutions, and unparalleled access to the
IBM DB2 development team. They offer
detailed, never-before-published technical guidance for the
key challenges you'll face in delivering high-performance
DB2 databases, e-business
infrastructure, and enterprise integration solutions.
Coverage includes: - Simplifying
management with the Configuration
Advisor, HealthCenter, and
Memory Visualizer - Integrating the
enterprise via Federated Web Services
and the DB2 enhanced
XML productivity tools. - Maximizing database
scalability, availability, and robustness. - Using
multidimensional data clustering and other integrated business
intelligence tools. - Integrating with IBM
WebSphere and Microsoft
software develop-ment tools. - Leveraging key improvements in
DB2 SQL functionality.
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