McGraw-Hill - SQL
Server 2000 for Experienced DBA's.
Server 2000 for Experienced DBA's
by Brian Knight ISBN:
0-07-222788-5, 520 Pages,
Configure and manage SQL Server 2000
for peak performance and high availability using the
undocumented administrative and troubleshooting techniques
offered inside this focused reference. SQL
Server expert Brian Knight
gives you details on system and platform architecture,
settings, security, file management, replication, automation,
backups, clustering, and restoration. The book also explains
how to maximize built-in administrative tools, develop
maintenance plans to prevent downtime, and optimize overall
system perfor-mance. Concise and practical, this essential
reso-urce will save you hundreds of hours of troubleshooting
I wrote this book
when I became starved for more advanced SQL
Server information. It seemed that every book I picked
up was 1,500 pages yet contained only a
few paragraphs in each chapter that I could use. When writing
this book, I made the assumption that you already know the
basics. I try not to bore you with details on how to create a
database or a login. Instead, I focus on troubleshooting what
could go wrong when you create a database and best practices.
I aimed to do this in a quick and precise way, without the
fluff that adds pages but not value. - Brian
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Labels: McGraw-Hill Publishing, SQL Server
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