Addison Wesley - Building Solutions with
the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework.

Building Solutions with the Microsoft .NET Compact
Framework: Architecture and Best Practices for Mobile
Development by Dan Fox and
Jon Fox ISBN:
0-321-19788-7, 400 Pages,
October 2003
you are an architect, developer, or manager,
Building Solutions with the Microsoft .NET Compact
Framework is your guide to creating effective solutions
for mobile devices with .NET
Authors Dan Fox and
Jon Fox walk you through four
essential architectural concepts and program-ming techniques,
using extensive examples and code listings to show you how to
develop more robust mobile development projects.
The book briefly describes the context,
architec-ture, and features of both the
Framework and Smart Device
Program-mability (SDP). The
heart of the book is its in- depth coverage of key
architectural concepts, including local data handling, remote
data access (RDA) architectures, robust
data caching with SQL Server 2000 Windows CE
Edition 2.0 (SQL
CE 2.0), and synchronization options. The focus then
shifts to localization, security, and deployment, and the
final chapter steers you away from potential pitfalls. You
will find helpful pointers to further resources throughout,
and a companion Web site includes the source code and links to
more information.
target=_blank>Here. 1,9Mb
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