John Wiley & Sons - Windows Server
2003 for Dummies.

Server 2003 for Dummies by Ed
Tittel, James Michael StewartISBN:
0-7645-1633-7, 424 Pages,
Server 2003 For Dummies, the book that helps anyone
who's unfamiliar with Windows Server
2003 (or networks in general)
find his or her way around a Windows Server
2003-based network. In a wired world, networks provide
the links that tie all users together. Even if you're not
using a network already, you probably will use one someday!
book tells you what's going on, in basic, straightforward
terms. The perfect handbook for those who need to deploy,
install, and configure installations, upgrade from previous
versions, understand network addresses, manage
day-to-day operations, configure storage,
manage users and groups, implement security measures,
configure mail services, and perform other vital
administrative tasks.
Covers the enhanced
features and updates of the new version including the
Microsoft .NET framework,
Active Directory and its new drag and drop
object management, Internet Information
Server, and the Microsoft Management
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