Hungry Minds - Tablet PC's for

PC's For Dummies by Nancy
Stevenson ISBN:
0-7645-2647-2, 336 Pages,
Is that
Tablet PC you just bought, or are planning to
buy, a great tool or just a cool toy This book tells all!
Get the scoop on different types and models, discover
Table PC’s unique built-in software, and find
out all the terrific things Tablet PC
can do—plus how to make it do them.
PC's, in their most generic form, are modified
notebooks. They weigh about three to four pounds, can connect
to the Internet wire-lessly, andor
not include keyboards. It represents an advance in the way
people interact with the computer, making the
PC a constant companion in the boardroom, on
the road, and on the job. This book is geared toward the
general user of the Tablet PC, and
discusses everything a user needs to know to get started
including configuration, working with pen computing, Ink,
voice recognition, and using the onscreen interface.
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